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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Insource Europe

Author: Christian Schmidt |
Updated on: 05 December 2023 |
Number of views: 503

Europe has outsourced quite many production operations to low-wage countries. If I have a problem with the software in the company, I will be connected to a hotline in India. Often, however, the answer to my question “must be a technical problem” is not resolved. 

When I go through the shopping centres and look at me the fashion, all look at the garments from whatever shop I am. Most of them are fairly coloured, fanciful and of low quality. The companies that once produced in Europe had to close because they were overwhelmed by cheap competition from China and other low-income countries. Now there is only quantity and no quality in the shops. 

For large companies, it should be unattractive to outsource everything to low wage countries. Sometimes I feel that a CEO is not interested in whether the work processes are going well and how the quality of the product is, production is cheap.

The European Commission should find solutions so that we can produce again and thus survive on the European market. Small creative firms should have an opportunity to survive despite higher wages. For the labour market, this would be a boost if production is restored in Europe. The consumer could again consume products of European quality and enjoy and support European diversity.

A quality idea MADE IN EU would also be tremendous.


I would be very pleased to receive feedback. If this is a European Citizens’ Initiative, I am delighted to be even more.



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