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Diaspora Anti-Discrimination (DAD) post Brexit

Laatija: Inactive user |
Päivitetty: 13 September 2018 |
Näyttökertojen määrä: 604

Since the UK has made the decision to leave the EU, as the UN special rapporteur on racism, Prof Tendayi Achiume, has identified following her mission, Brexit has contributed to an environment of increased racial discrimination and intolerance. Despite ample evidence we have collected and reported, and continue to collect and report to the police and the UK Government ( they can be found here:, nothing has been done to tackle abuses against us.
A new trend that has been growing is immigration status discrimination in the labour market. Many of us who are, look and sound like migrants, or whose name appears to be a foreign name, despite having every right to live and work in the UK, we are being denied our fundamental human rights, namely the right to work, the right equal protection before the law and the right to equal treatment before the law. How does this happen? Despite their lack of skills or knowledge in UK immigration law, employers have been given the power to practice immigration law, which inevitably results in the nation of race. Because of the complexity of the UK immigration law, they wrongly assume that we are working illegally. In order to protect themselves against civil penalties, they terminate our contract of employment or refuse to employ us. Again, with other organisations, we have provided ample evidence to the UK Government to act. (…). Immigration status discrimination is, of course, unlawful in international law. However, since the UK supreme court, in Taiwo v Olaigbe & Anor and another case [2016] UKSC 31 ruled that Immigration status does not equate to nationality for the purpose of the Equality Act 2010, we have no avenues to seek justice in the Uk for violations of our rights. All legal cases on the grounds of race /Immigration status discrimination have failed. So far the victims who have had their legal claims rejected are Non -EU citizens and EU- citizens from BME background. Sadly, we see more and more white EU citizens suffering from the same fate in the labour market. Trade Union have let us all down. British citizens in EU 27 will certainly be going through the same abuses on the grounds of their Race / Immigration status. I wish to create a post Brexit hostile environment forum to take action against the abuses above across Europe. The proposed name of this initiative is the Diaspora Anti Discrimination(DAD).


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Forum Team | 25 February 2019

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