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Foro de la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea


Autor: Inactive user |
Actualizada el: 04/03/2019 |
Número de visitas: 585

The official European position on the processing of plastic waste is that the task is not just huge but also very difficult to solve.

According to the ‘Junker Commission’ the EU wide-strategy is “to have all plastic packaging reusable for recycled in a cost-effective manner by 2030”. That statement supposes that it's possible to move from the current state of processing averaged at less than 15% of the 25.8 million tonnes of plastic waste in Europe alone up to 100%, in just 12 years. OK well then where is the plan?

In France the Prime Minister Edouard Phillipe has declared his Governments determination to achieve 100% recycling of all plastic waste by 2025. That means that the nearly 5.5million tonnes consumed each year in France shall be treated and recycled in less than 7 years from the current level of less than 15%.OK well again where is the plan?

Its clear that neither of these statements are followed up with a plan describing how to do this- because it's really hard to achieve that – given that the infrastructure to process this type of material correlates to a cost of about 7million€ per 10,000 tonnes. Taking this fact into account, the total investment needed becomes astronomical even if there is a base assumption that all the plastic once treated, has a value at all- in reality, a great deal of this tonnage has no market value at all even after it is recycled, so it constitutes a cost and not a profit to treat it.

My project specifies not just a contribution to this problem, but an approach which could very well spell out the solution to this pervasive problem. The basic premise is to engage and employ, all of the citizens of Europe to contribute to this problem. As a base, its already happening as currently in most countries, there is a system employed to collect packaging from each household which is taken to a central or regional sorting facility. This process is both expensive and inefficient, it means that following a tour of a town or suburb, the collection truck is filled with a mixture of materials, all contaminated with plenty of air being transported along with the bottles, cartons and the like.

Now, if each home was equipped with a miniature processing appliance where this material was ground, sorted and cleaned, then collection would transport valuable material directly to a place of processing rather than to a place where it has to be sorted and on to processing. The difference would constitute a matter of Billions of euros in investments and a lot of time and energy saved.

This idea supposes that each household throughout the EU would be firstly, equipped with an appliance to do this processing and secondly, that the occupants would agree to use it to ‘dispose’ of their plastic packaging. These Objectives could be where the EU comes into its own with a regulatory and incentivization programme, both ‘carrot and stick' to help to achieve this outcome. Specifically an EU directive could become law that ALL new built homes should include such an appliance and that any existing dwellings could receive a subsidy to retrofit such a device. In France alone, that would translate into 18 million miniature processing plants by 2025 and that these will account for the pre-processing of 56% of recyclable  and valuable plastic waste. In the absence of another viable plan from Governments at National or EU level, then thjis idea must surely have a chance of success- this is an initative which should be taken very seriously at all levels.

I’m looking for comments and participation to build such a programme in the regulatory sense and to support the innovation to create all of the elements of this programme.

EU Commission plastics-strategy-brochure(1)2018.pdf

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Inactive user | 30/09/2021

Very good idea, however, what would be if by law, from tomorrow for example, plastic would be banned for good in EU?

I think that the time to act is now, not in 2, 5 or 10 years.... how about doing something now?

Knowing how EU works and how politics run the world, I find your idea very good, just we need to have it doubled with classes / workshops about reclining.

Inactive user | 06/10/2019

Hi Stefan. Many thanks for the comment. Sorry that it took so long to answer but this forum has no 'message alert' and I'd not checked in for a while so I didn’t see that you had posted.

We are in full agreement <<the time to act is now, not in 2, 5 or 10 years>>. I want to build a consortium NOW to implement solutions to this problem, and clearly it will take a long time for anything to have a significant effect on the #plasticcrisis. Even if, as you say, 'plastic would be banned in EU' which I think is highly unlikely, there remains a significant problem of the delay with hundreds of millions of tonnes of waste plastic already in circulation requiring treatment, most of which has no value because it’s too mixed and polluted.

My plan would work on this problem through participation of all citizens which naturally, would also take some time to achieve. The fact that some would not participate as some have said, does not negate the case to begin - even if it means that only a few enthusiasts and moral people are the first to participate. This crisis is so serious in the view of most people I've met that most will eventually participate if only they are given the tools to do so. Finally it should become ‘the norm’.

Currently I'm posting an application for funding to the 'Alliance to end Plastc Waste', which is an international body gathering money and influence from major corporations to assist and to fund innovative ideas. Maybe they'll think that this one is worth supporting OR maybe they will see that it challenges their business models because some of them like VEOLIA want the plastic waste stream  to continue so that they get paid for every tonne collected.  It’s a complicated world we live in and not everything is as it seems ...  vis: not everyone trying to help is your friend, and not everyone launching criticism is your enemy.

Finally, I don't think I agree with you that politics runs the world ... I think that Citizen run the world, either by acquiescence or conversely, by collective action...  this one will be the latter, because only with participation will the problem be impacted at all. No one organization, government or idea can change this crisis alone...  it’s just too big with a vast network of consequences and stake holders. 

So do you want to join in and play a role  ...  If yes , then which?

Forum Team | 15/02/2019

Thank you for raising the issue and sharing this idea on our platform.

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