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Foro de la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea

Make it mandatory that washing materials for washingmachines are only sold as pods

Autor: Inactive user |
Actualizada el: 04/03/2019 |
Número de visitas: 289

It will reduce the amount of plastic litter worldwide.


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Inactive user | 24/11/2020

Why not powder, or liquid? If the problem is with the plastic packing then why not switch to paper bags or glass bottles or even biodegradable plastic ? The manufacturer should be allowed to choose how he wants his product to be as long as the negative impacts of his product are not too high.

Exención de responsabilidad: Las opiniones expresadas en el Foro de la ICE reflejan exclusivamente el punto de vista de sus autores y no puede considerarse que reflejen, en modo alguno, la posición de la Comisión Europea o de la Unión Europea.