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Europeiska medborgarinitiativet – Forum

Make Fair Use a thing in the whole of the EU.

Upphovsman: Inactive user |
Uppdaterades den: 04/03/2019 |
Antal visningar: 313

Hello friends!
With the new Copyright directive in the works and on the way for finalisation, it would be great if an amendment to the directive is added, namely Fair Use. Europe is in need of a strong Fair Use directive where remixing and using of content is allowed in the purview of Satire, Reviews, Non-profit, and Fan Works.

With the current political climate in Europe it would cool a lot of tension. Settle a lot of the hostility towards our union.

Gustav Hartvigsson
For Europe, Always.



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Inactive user | 14/12/2018


(...) purview of Satire, Reviews, Non-profit, Education, and Fan Works

Ansvarsfriskrivning: De åsikter som uttrycks i forumet för medborgarinitiativet utgör bara författarens synpunkter och kan inte på något sätt anses spegla Europeiska kommissionens eller EU:s ståndpunkt.