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Europeiska medborgarinitiativet – Forum

Fair Trade for energy consummers.

Upphovsman: Inactive user |
Uppdaterades den: 04/03/2019 |
Antal visningar: 513

Delivery costs for energy should be transparent and evidence based. For example on august 16 this year I bought 70 cents energy and paid for deliveringcosts 1.06 euro. Not a good idea.



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Inactive user | 29/08/2018

Related to this I want to see a plan about the reinforcement of the grid so it can deal with more extreem weather conditions

Inactive user | 14/09/2018

Together we can do this! What are your ideas?

Ansvarsfriskrivning: De åsikter som uttrycks i forumet för medborgarinitiativet utgör bara författarens synpunkter och kan inte på något sätt anses spegla Europeiska kommissionens eller EU:s ståndpunkt.