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Foro de la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea

Dedicated language and culture education TV channel

Autor: Inactive user |
Actualizada el: 02/08/2019 |
Número de visitas: 358

A television channel to compliment Euronews, dedicated to educating citizens of all ages about the cultures of all European nations, daily lessons on the most used and popular European languages, holiday ideas, food recipes and EU wide news highlights aimed at children and teens focusing on upcoming and current activities such as local/national festivals. etc.

We need more understanding of one another to tighten and strengthen our union and I believe that casting the widest net into the mass media forum will reap the biggest reward, an internet and terrestrial based television channel would afford us that opportunity.


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Forum Team | 14/08/2019

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The Forum Moderation Team

Inactive user | 03/10/2021

This idea could definitely help to build a common understanding of what Europe is and what being European means.

Inactive user | 02/11/2019

I would go a step further, not only looking at the cultural life and arts aspect, but mainly at the political aspect. We need proper European politics, and a European audience, not just 28 national audiences in each member state. We need a couple of taxpayer funded (so they aren't dependent on ads, etc) TV channels / Media / News websites. Think like the German model with ARD and ZDF, as well as smaller regional offers, or "arte", or possibly like Finnish Yle. Completely absent of ads, and available to everyone.

There are challenges, like making sure those media can be critical and do not turn into state propaganda like Polish TVP has. But I also believe good journalism sometimes makes no economic sense for the journalists, while still being essential for a healthy democracy. "Sensational", scary, click-bait news stories have one primary goal: generate revenue. The primary goal of our European media should be a healthier democracy, deep and structured conversations/talk shows, science, arts, constructively scrutinizing governments.

Euronews is not funded by the EU, I'd describe them as "sensational". We need something completely separate and new, and fund it properly. Maybe even create a separate online video platform / social network with ethics in mind, not profit. Where both our new European public media can post blogs/videos as well as private citizens. YouTube's algorithm is out for ad revenue, not looking for society to advance.

Exención de responsabilidad: Las opiniones expresadas en el Foro de la ICE reflejan exclusivamente el punto de vista de sus autores y no puede considerarse que reflejen, en modo alguno, la posición de la Comisión Europea o de la Unión Europea.