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Forum zur Europäischen Bürgerinitiative

All public transport in Europe should be free.To fight trafficjams and airpolution.

Autor: Inactive user |
Aktualisiert am: 04/03/2019 |
Anzahl der Ansichten: 383

There will be to many cars on the roads and in the city.Only public transport can help a bit. Make it free of costs for users to make this more atractive.



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Inactive user | 30/09/2021

That is actually a very good idea, too many cars with only 1 driver on the streets and blocking the traffic for the public transportation.

Investment provided for the non polluting vehicles, powered by CNG, hydrogen and free transportation, would reduce drastically the polluted air.

Haftungsausschluss: Die im EBI-Forum vorgebrachten Meinungen spiegeln lediglich die Auffassungen ihrer Verfasser/innen wider und repräsentieren in keiner Weise den offiziellen Standpunkt der Europäischen Kommission oder der Europäischen Union.