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European Citizens´ Initiative Forum

Webinar 'How to budget your European Citizens’ Initiative with input from successful ECI Campaigners'. 2023

Start date: 11/10/2023 - 14:30
End date: 11/10/2023
Current status: Closed
Updated on: 22/09/2023

The aim of this webinar was to understand how to effectively allocate funds in an ECI campaign and how to fulfill reporting requirements. With input from 3 successful ECI campaigners, this webinar explored how ECIs structure their finances and what areas of an ECI campaign require greater financial resources.

Webinar Agenda: 

1. Introduction and Welcoming by Daniela Vancic, Democracy International, European Program Manager

2. Presentation by ECI Organiser, Olga Kikou, End the Cage Age on how they budgeted their ECI and how they made best use of their funds

3, Presentation by ECI Organiser, Andre Menache, Stop Vivisection on how they budgeted their ECI and how they made best use of their funds

4. Presentation by ECI Organiser, Nils Kluger, Stop Finning on how they budgeted their ECI and how they made best use of their funds

5. Q&A with audience

6. Presentation on mandatory reporting of funds over 500 EUR, Savannah Schuurbiers, ECAS

8. Q&A and feedback on speakers’ experience with reporting of funds

7. Closing remarks 


In this webinar, you will find the answers to the following questions: 

With a limited budget, what is your suggestion for the most urgent categories that need to be funded in an ECI campaign?

What areas of your campaign have you seen the best return on investment?

Knowing what you know today, if you were granted more funding, where would you have put the funds to use? What could have been better funded?

How can an ECI get visibility in the media?

How to report funds and donations over 500 EUR?

Do you report funds if an individual/organization donates several times in amounts that accumulate over 500 EUR?



Olga Kikou, Organiser of End the Cage Age, ECI

Nils Kluger, Organiser of Stop Finning - Stop the Trade, ECI

Andre Menache, Organiser of Stop Vivisection, ECI

Savannah Schuurbiers, European Citizens Action Service, on how to report funds 


Platform: Webex 

Language: English 


If you missed the webinar, check out the video recording below (available in English)


Speakers: Olga Kikou, Nils Kluger, Andre Menache

How to Budget your ECI
Good practices
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed on the ECI Forum reflect solely the point of view of their authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the position of the European Commission or of the European Union.