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Intelligent Farming, or how the EU could become the world's No.1 Food Supplier

Autorius: Inactive user |
Atnaujinta: 02/08/2019 |
Peržiūrų skaičius: 281

It is really amazing how HUNGER could still exist in our world of developed technologies.

There is something called "Intelligent Farming", allowing 1,000 times more foods, with much higher quality to be produced, using high technologies, compared to the traditional, primitive farming.

The Intelligent Farming (IF) methods offer many times more soil- and environmental-friendly indoor-roomed processes, non-dependent on the natural forces, much cleaner and huge volumes of delicious green food production, closer access to the markets and to the workforce, fully climate-controlled, 24h-LED-luminated lab-like work environment, serviced by computers, electronics, robotics, etc. high tech, extremely attractive especially for the young people, who are not so happy to work in the dust and mud of the farm field outside, under the cold rain or the hot sun.

Also, IF offers intensive Aerial Seeding and Mass-Afforestation of deforested, degraded and deserted lands, by Unmanned Aircraft (Drones), capable to plant over 100,000 trees or else plants per day, each one of them !

MOH Gas fueling could allow all-day-long, non-stop flight of the Drones, unlike the Batteries, allowing just a few minutes of flight duration.

IF Methods include :

1. Building a Vertical Aeroponic Farm ( where plants are being cultivated on 15-20 floors and their roots are sprayed with a special solution mist, which saves up to 97% of the water, typically used by the traditional farming. Such a farm uses more than 400 times less area for the same volumes of food production.

The foods produced are 100% clean and need no washing.

Vertical Farm can be built at an extremely low cost, out of Basalt-Fiber-Composite (BFC) Assembly Modules -- .

BFC are many times stronger, lighter and cheaper than the Steel.

A Vertical Farm could be built easily by few workers in a few days, at a times lower cost than the cost of the land, needed for the same volume of food production.

BFC elements are 100% fireproof, waterproof, stainless, UV-proof, chemically-resistant, 100% clean and renewable. Also, the BFC production is 100% clean and renewable.

The Farm offers the unique option to be dismantled and moved to another site if needed, and built there again.

2. Robotic Drones could be used in all the IF processes for remote aerial surveillance, GPS-assisted aerial seeding, pollinating, picking and shipping fruits and veggies, cutting leaves and branches, spot-spraying water and medicines to every single plant, etc.

3. Recent scientific researches report about the significant role of the farm animals and manure for emitting large quantities of methane gas, which piles up in the air and is considered more dangerous for the global warming, than the CO2.

The Intelligent Farming philosophy could offer an option for Multi-Storey Animal Farms, made of assembly BFC modules.

Such a farm will be fully sealed, with a 100% computer-controlled ventilation, capturing 100% of the emitted Methane and else gases, and supplying the farm with fresh and sterile, germless air, with fixed temperature and humidity.

There will be no chance at all, for any single animal in this farm to get sick, or for an epidemy to start.

Also, the animal food and drinking water will be carefully composed, vitaminized and sterilized up to 100% germless level too, for the best results, healthcare and satisfaction of the animals.

Every floor of the farm will offer enough space and comfort for the animals and 24-hr LED lighting.

The cycle will be 100% wasteless. All the wastes will be processed into dried granules, packed in bags and offered for sale as a high-quality expensive organic fertilizer.

All the methane and else gases will be captured, cleaned and pumped into tanks to be used later as a fuel or else, or for sale.

A combination of an Aeroponic Farm, producing high-quality animal fodder plus a Multi-Storey Animal Farm, and a Food-Production / Packaging Factory for end products, will be a compact and hyper-intensive facility, producing high quality clean greenleaf foods, meats and meat products, diary foods, eggs, leather, etc.

The compactness and the 100% wasteless production cycle will allow such a facility to be located very close to the big city, thus offering a direct access of fresh foods to a large market and vice-versa, access of qualified manlabor to the Complex.


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